Private Country Club in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania

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Historical Origins

The origin of The 1912 Club can be attributed to the earnest efforts of a few men longing for a rendezvous of physical relaxation for themselves and an atmosphere of social enjoyment for their families. During the winter of 1911-1912, this beginning developed from roundtable discussions by a small group of men who met frequently in chambers of Norristown City Hall. By night, they formulated their plans, and, by day, traveled the countryside inspecting farm sites that might be available for their purposes.
Course Architect | William S. Flynn
(pictured above, with original Hole #1 blueprint)
The first known positive action of these pioneering gentlemen appeared March 20, 1912, on the front pages of The Daily Herald, under the heading, "Country Club Is Organized." The newspaper account read: "Those interested in the proposed Country Club effected a permanent organization at a meeting held last evening in Select Council Chamber at City Hall. The board of governors chosen includes: George H. Anders, Roy A Hatfield, Ned Irish, Horace C. Jones, C. Townley Larzelere, Matthias L. March, Joseph S. Rambo, Isaac Richards, Hon. William F. Solly, Henry E. Tripler, Harry B. Tyson, Irving P. Wanger, Frank B. Wildman and Frank B. Wonsettler."